Studying online involves a lot of back and forth correspondence via email (check out our blog post on how to write a professional email). Communicating in this way can leave some room for misunderstandings, and sometimes it's hard to convey tone or a certain emotion via text only. Some people might also forget some basic rules of polite and professional conduct that would come naturally to them in a face-to-face situation, and others just drop any attempt at treating the person at the other end with respect.
Since Imperium University is 100% online, we take each and every interaction seriously, whether it's between staff and students, students and lecturers, students themselves, or any combination of the three. We want everyone to feel that they are being respected and treated fairly.
For this reason, if at any point you feel that you have been treated unfairly, unprofessionally, or have been made to feel uncomfortable, please follow the procedure below to submit a complaint:
- Keep a record of the interaction as proof, as well as exactly when it took place and all the people involved.
- Send this proof along with a detailed description of what happened to
Your complaint will be investigated and we will do what we can to resolve the situation.
Imperium University consists of a team of staff, lecturers and students all working together to attain goals and make dreams possible, and the welfare of each and every team member is of utmost importance to us!
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