How to be an Above Average Student: Orientation Information

So, you have graduated high school and the rest of your life is ahead of you. The world is open to you - such possibilities, endless adventures, and so many roads to choose from. 

Years of schoolwork, homework, school uniforms, school rules, and exams have passed. What will be next?

Well, your parents always said that you had to have a university degree, so maybe you’ll start there. And so, you enrol…

Your application is accepted and you are given personal login details to the university website. Excited to be a university student you log on and, to your horror, find tons of reading material: Student Orientation brochures, syllabus documents, notes on citations, notes on academic writing, documents detailing any extra fees for rewrites, and much more.

Slightly deflated at your discovery, you decide to skim the document titles instead of reading them - because this was not the way that you envisioned your next chapter of life would start. And so, the information goes unread entirely.

Almost none of our students at Imperium read the orientation information, and we can see it in their actions and emails. The number of emails we receive with queries about basic procedures and the most basic workings of our University is frankly shocking.

So make a point of reading through all of the orientation information, even if you have to delay reading it until you are emotionally ready to take this on. There are no tips, there are no tricks to this: If you want to be prepared, you have to start by taking a seat and reading what your university gives you.

As an online university, this is how we communicate; by giving our students materials to read through so that they can better understand what to do and what is expected of them.

This truly is one of the first steps to building good relationships with the university of your choice and to being a good student. If you want to be above average, read through the orientation information and act accordingly.

Imperium University is an accredited online university that offers flexible and affordable degrees to fit your lifestyle and your budget. Go to to find out more and talk to one of our advisors!
