How to Approach Rewrite Exams


The exam season is at its end. You kick back, take a deep breath and start to relax… but then the mark statements come out and the dreaded reality hits you: You have failed one of your exams and have a rewrite exam in a week’s time.

Oh, the despair! Oh, the horror!

Is there worse news that this world has to give?

Cease your fears, dear student, here are a few tips as to how you should approach your rewrite exams:

1. Change perspective.

Many students see nothing else than that they failed, when what should be focused on is the second chance that is being presented.

So often there are no second chances, so often a mistake is made and there is no redo. Rewrite exams are a rare opportunity to redo a past mistake and it should be seen and approached as such.

2. Get studying.

Often the discouragement of having to rewrite an exam ends in much procrastination and delayed studying; which doesn’t help at all.

So, remind yourself that your rewrite exam is a second chance served up on a silver platter… and get to studying.

This is one of those horrible moments when you simply have to force yourself. Do what you have to and get yourself headed in the right direction. Go grab a cup of coffee, put on your favourite study playlist, plant yourself in your most productive study spot and get going.

3. Make sure to rest well.

This is not permission to “rest” in bed all day and not study. Procrastination is a terror and it wreaks havoc on even the most diligent student’s perfectly laid out study schedule.

That being said, do keep in mind that you did just complete an exam series. Set apart time to rest and recover as well.

The best way to side-step the trap of procrastination and being able to rest well is to schedule breaks in between study periods. Know yourself and make informed decisions as to how often and how long your study breaks should be.

I, for example, am fine with studying continually with ten minute breaks every two hours, but after a certain point in the afternoon my brain powers down. So, I prioritise studying when my brain is fresh and stop working after a certain hour in the afternoon because I know I’ll be useless once my brain is low on power.

Having a rewrite exam isn’t the end of the world, it is a second chance. But that second chance’s outcome depends entirely on what you do with it. So, grab this opportunity with both hands and make the best out of this situation.

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