How to Communicate Clearly

 “Communication is key” is a phrase we’ve heard so many times over that it has become a cliché over the years, but despite its overuse, communication stays an important part of being an online student.

So to help you avoid misunderstandings, missed opportunities and miscommunications, here are a few tips that will help you communicate more effectively with your University as an online student:

1. Be polite.

Something that we tend to forget in our technological age is that behind every email address there is a person. This person is separate from you, this person has their own life and their own problems. This person will gladly help you with your problems, but to which extent they help you depends greatly on how you treat them.

Be polite when writing requests and write in full sentences so as not to come across as brusque or impatient. It can easily send the wrong message  if you write in ‘text speak’ in a formal email.

Being respectful in an email to another person, a person that you are likely seeking help from, will help the process along greatly.

2. Add all of the necessary information.

Any needed information that you don’t add to the email will inconvenience the person you are asking for help, as they will have to take time to look it up. Wading through databases of student information can take quite a while, which will result in a delayed response.

Do your best to include as much information as you can. This might include: 

- A subject code, 

- which cycle you are in, 

- the due date of an assignment, 

- the date of an exam, and 

- what your student number is.

3. Contact your university as soon as a problem pops up.

Make a point of contacting the relevant department the moment an issue arises. If you have fallen ill the day before your exam and show no sign of improving throughout, send an email to notify them of the possibility that you won’t be able to write your exam - don’t wait until the morning of your exam. The sooner you contact your university with a problem, the better they will be able to help you.

Communication between people is so important and misunderstandings happen so easily, so take the time to apply these three tips and smooth the whole process over.

Imperium University is an accredited online university that offers flexible and affordable degrees to fit your lifestyle and your budget. Go to to find out more and talk to one of our advisors!
