How to Study for Exams When Time is Limited


Exams are looming, a dark storm cloud on the horizon slowly approaches, and all you can do is try and brace yourself for the dreaded time ahead. But then life, as it usually does, happens. It happens and suddenly there is even less time left for studying than before.

Exam season can be difficult enough as is, but we all know that life doesn’t stand still for a few exams. Loadshedding interferes with online study sessions, family events pop up, and work suddenly needs your attention more than ever.

So, in case any of these things happen to you, here are a few study tips for when life gets busy and time is a rare commodity.

  • Prepare for study sessions.

Make studying as easy as possible for yourself. There are several ways in which you can prepare yourself for a study session, for example:

Mentally - The best way to prepare mentally is to plan out and commit to a reasonable amount of study time. Keep a positive attitude toward the upcoming study sessions and schedule breaks beforehand - and maybe some rewards too. Another way to prep is:

Literally - To prepare for the study session in a more literal manner, decide beforehand what you are going to study, where you will study, and make sure that you have everything that you need for it (that can include a cup of coffee and study snacks).

Doing this will prevent unscheduled breaks. Plan ten to twenty minute breaks in between study sessions, rather than getting up every few minutes to go get a cup of coffee, or a snack, or that text book that you didn’t think you would be needing, or maybe a ruler and your pretty highlighter pens while you’re at it, did you remember to put sugar in your coffee? Now the cat is loudly demanding food. Oh you forgot the ruler again. Plus you need more paper. And another textbook you thought you wouldn’t need.. And so on and on and on and on….

  • Take good care of yourself.

Stay healthy. Eat enough, take breaks, and make sure to get in enough sleep. Exams are stressful for everyone, and stress is bad for your immune system, and the very last thing that you need is to get the flu! If you don’t feel well, you will not be able to do anything well, let alone study well.

  • Find out what works best for you.

We are all different. Some people study best first thing in the morning, others study better in the middle of the day or even at night.

We all know what works for us. If you are like me and prefer to study first thing in the morning, make sure not to procrastinate studying until afternoon. Plan your day and study sessions according to what you know works best for you.

Exam season is difficult enough as is, so if there is something that you can do to make it a bit easier on yourself, why not give it a try?

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