In our busy everyday lives, we tend to get so wrapped up in our responsibilities that we hardly ever set time aside for fun or relaxing activities. I have found that whenever my life is all work and no play, I tend to become less effective in everything I do.
It’s as though life loses its appeal and suddenly everything is a bore. Whenever I reach that point, I know it’s time to stop and do something fun - something relaxing, something that feeds my soul.
Here are a few things that I have found to be absolute delights when life starts feeling stale:
1. Go on a picnic
Sometimes a change of scenery makes a world of difference and sometimes the best way to break away from your normal routine is to go for a picnic in a local botanical garden.
2. Go out for a sweet treat
I am a firm believer of going out for ice cream every once in a while. Some of the best moments in life are small moments, often enjoyed over ice cream with a loved one.
3. Watch a movie
In the age of streaming services, we often forget how magical it was to go out for a movie. Getting dressed, buying the tickets, getting snacks - over-salting the popcorn - and anticipating the start of the film all throughout the advertisements. There is something wonderfully different about enjoying a movie in the cinema.
4. Browsing a bookstore and getting coffee afterward
Not everyone might enjoy the smell of newly printed books as much as I do, but even so, there are few things better than browsing the new-release shelves in a local bookstore. Some of my fondest memories revolve around meeting up with a friend to browse book stores, only to end up sitting on the floor between shelves to read blurbs, walk away without buying anything, and going for coffee afterward.
5. Spending time on a hobby
We all have hobbies that we wish we could spend more time on. Every person’s interests are different; some might enjoy hiking, others enjoy reading, writing, cooking, or even rock climbing. Whatever makes you happy, spend time on one of your long lost hobbies. It might do you wonders.
I believe that we sometimes forget that we, as humans, aren’t robots. Sometimes we need a bit of a break and sometimes taking a break could be as simple as doing something different and fun with your day.
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