How to Prioritise Tasks


There comes a time when life simply and inexplicably gets ridiculously busy.

It’s as if all the areas of your life conspired together overnight and suddenly everyone and everything desperately requires your attention. Your to-do list triples in length without even the slightest bit of consideration for the amount of hours that a day actually contains. It happens to everyone at some point.

So how do we deal with it? Well, there are two important points to keep in mind.

1. Task triage

The first thing that we all want to do is jump in and start working, but in a sea of work, that’s rarely the wisest thing to do.

The very first thing that we should actually do is task triage; establishing the importance and urgency of each task before jumping in. Some tasks might be more urgent than others, and if you have established the importance of each one, you can ensure that the more urgent tasks are done first instead of potentially leaving them for later.

A task’s importance is based on the due date and how important it is in the bigger picture. For example, an assignment due next month should not be given priority over an essay due this week.

2. Time management

Everyone wants there to be more hours in the day, but we all invariably end up with the same refrain: “Who’s got the time?”  We have to be honest about the time that we actually have available to complete our tasks.

If you only have an hour at your disposal, being realistic about what tasks can be completed in that time is the first step to good time management. After that, you can jump in and start completing tasks without too much hassle.

Apply the two points mentioned above and you’ll see that tackling a long to-do list won’t be nearly as daunting as you once thought.

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