How to Cultivate a Can-Do Attitude

A wise woman once said: “If someone else can do it, I can do it too; I just need to be taught how.” Then she got dressed, did her research, and in three weeks time she built an extra room onto her home. She laid the foundation, mixed cement, bought the bricks and placed them one on top of the other, did the tiling, added windows, and did everything in between with her own two hands. This woman was my very wise, loving, and handy great grandmother.

Some people just seem to naturally have a can-do attitude. Here are some practical ways in which you can cultivate a can-do attitude yourself in the long run:

1. Realise that most problems are solvable.

Oftentimes, when people are faced with a problem, they tend to accept defeat quite quickly, but the reality of the matter is that most problems that people are faced with are solvable.

We are all well aware that life isn’t all sunshine and roses and that things do go wrong from time to time. What makes quite a difference is how a problem is approached. If a problem is approached with the knowledge that it is solvable, then the whole situation is much easier to face. Suddenly the problem does not seem nearly as daunting.

Before tragedy strikes, come to the realisation that most problems do have solutions. Some problems you can solve yourself. Other times, you will need to ask for help or hire a professional to take care of the problem for you.

Cultivate the behaviour of approaching a problem with the knowledge that there most likely is a solution - you just need to find it. Approaching a problem with this attitude, solves half of the problem already!

2. Be humble enough to be teachable.

Humility is never an easy task, however being humble enough to be taught is much more precious than gold itself.

We as human beings all have one universal thing in common: No one comes into this world knowing anything.

Some people might find it easier to learn languages than mathematics, while others might be naturally inclined to playing sports, but no human being is born knowing how to do anything. Everything that we know has to be learned. Sometimes we learn through observing others, sometimes we learn through doing research, but most of the time we learn by being taught by people who know more than us.

As humans, we spend the first section of our lives in school and then university. We spend many years being taught about various different subjects, but no matter the amount of time we spend in an educational setting, we will never know everything that we need to know. There is always something more to learn and, because of that, it is important to cultivate a genuine desire to be taught as well as the humility to listen.

There isn’t much more to cultivating a can-do attitude, it really is that simple. If you start practising the two attitudes mentioned above, you will be an excellent learner for the rest of your life.

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