10 More Frequently Misspelled Words

Let's jump straight back in with 10 more words that are typo breeding grounds. Go through the words below slowly and try to notice if you've been caught out by any before. Maybe you find yourself unsure every time you have to use one of them. Let's see.


1. Absence

Commonly misspelled as: absense

2. Arctic

Commonly misspelled as: artic

3. Definitely

Commonly misspelled as: definately

4. Harass

Commonly misspelled as: harrass 

5. Necessary

Commonly misspelled as: neccessary 

6. Occasion

Commonly misspelled as: occassion, ocasion

7. Privilege

Commonly misspelled as: privelege, priviledge

8. Propaganda

Commonly misspelled as: propoganda, propeganda

9. Receive

Commonly misspelled as: recieve

10. Whether

Commonly misspelled as:wether


You can check out and revise the previous 10 at the following link: 10 Frequently Misspelled Words.

While you're at it, why not read about the wonderful benefits of reading here.

Remember that the best way to improve your spelling is to read often - magazines, newspapers, books, anything! If you want to go the extra mile, make a list of the words you struggle with and re-read it later.



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