Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: Not as mystical as they sound

Sometimes people associate self-fulfilling prophecies with the idea that the kind of 'energy' you put out into the universe, be it positive or negative, will be repaid to you in kind by the universe. To some, this might all sound very mystical and superstitious, but others live their life based on this idea. But at the end of the day, it just comes down to two simple factors: attitude and luck.

We'll focus on attitude, because luck (good or bad) is just random chance outside of your control, but your attitude is the part you can and should have control over. For example, if you wake up in the morning and your first thought is "this is going to be a bad day", chances are you'll have a bad day. This isn't the universe punishing you for exuding negative energy, it's simply a case of self-fulfilling prophecy. If you wake up with a negative mindset, you'll more than likely handle any obstacles you might have to face that day negatively, resulting in more negative outcomes.

On the other hand, having a positive attitude during the day simply means that you will handle situations more positively, with more patience and compassion, meaning they are more likely to have a more positive outcome. And even if they don't, you'll probably be better prepared mentally to make the best of any outcome. Positivity spreads more positivity, and negativity spreads more negativity. Your attitude colours the world around you, and you can choose whether it's going to look bright or bleak.

So the next time something bad happens, reflect on it and see how you can make it better. In turn, if something positive happens due to your own actions and attitude, give yourself a pat on the back. In any case, you can still thank the universe for being there, because if the universe didn't exist, neither would you.

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