Building on a previous post about the benefits of reading, this week we'll give you some tips on how to go about doing more reading for fun.
Now, you might think you don't have the time for leisure reading, but trust me when I tell you that you're wrong. You don't have to sit down for an extended session every time, and even if you did, ask yourself this: how many minutes or hours do you waste mindlessly scrolling through the same apps on your phone each day? Replacing even just a fraction of this time with reading is all you need to get started.
So here's Tip 1: Start with five minutes a day or a chapter at a time when you have an extra moment. Do this for a week and you're on your way to forming a habit. It might feel like slow progress, but it would surprise you how quickly you can get through books this way.Tip 2: Not a fan of my criticising your social media habits? At least add an app to your daily lineup that will kindle your literary enthusiasm. Consider joining a site like Goodreads to keep track of what you read and what you like or don't like. It lets you do reading challenges, find new books, join book clubs, and make new reading buddies! If you find reading a bit boring, this is a great way to challenge yourself, get inspired and spice things up.
Tip 3: Try listening to audiobooks while you're busy with menial tasks like washing the dishes. Many people who struggle to plant their nose in a physical book and keep it there love listening to audiobooks instead. This way you can still be productive (if you don't consider reading productive) while still escaping into all the wonderful worlds that books will introduce you to.
Tip 4: Don't force yourself to keep reading a book you're not enjoying. At least not when you've just starting working on forming a reading habit. In the beginning, stick to lighter reads that you enjoy effortlessly, and leave for later the books you want to challenge yourself with.
Even if you don't see yourself as a reader, there are books and genres out there for every taste, so we'll wrap up here with Tip 5: Do yourself a favour and make the effort of looking for what you like. There are truly amazing books out there, and truly terrible ones that you might enjoy just the same (we don't judge); books that will speak to you on a profound level, books that will make you laugh or shed a tear, books that will make you feel understood or just entertain you enough to relax you and keep you sane. You just have to look.
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