Who knows whether a cluttered desk is really the sign of a cluttered mind? But it's undeniable that an organised desk provides less opportunity for distractions. This applies to your entire home and even your life in general. Having those ducks in a row can really help you when you sit down to focus on your work and studies, making you more productive and more present while you get stuff done. So if you think about it, being more organised in your everyday life can help you study better! Here are a few tips to help you get there.
Always write things down
Chores, important dates, names and details, birthdays, shopping lists... all easy enough to remember, right? Wrong. When you have a busy life, so much can fall through the cracks and get lost forever, so do yourself a favour and just write it all down. That nagging feeling of anxiety (and occasionally downright panic) that you forgot something can really throw off your day, so make a note on your phone or your planner, or write
it on a sticky note - you can even make a voice note if you're feeling
Make schedules and stick to them
This might sound like a pain to many of us who are more free-spirited (see 'disorganised') when going about our daily lives, but planning out your day and sticking to a schedule can improve your productivity by quite a bit. This way you won't be scrambling from one task to the next not knowing how much you still need to do or how much time you have to do it, or when you'll get to it again. Making daily schedules helps you know exactly where you stand and removes a lot of anxiety when you have a lot on your plate.
A place for every thing
This one applies to your workspace as much as your living space; have a place for everything, and keep everything in its place. Organise your clutter by type and have separate storage spaces for each type. You can use boxes, drawers, shelves, tupperware - get creative with it! If you're not constantly being reminded what a mess your home is you'll save yourself a lot of shame and energy. Keeping things neat and organised will make you feel good and even proud of yourself as a bonus.
Stop procrastinating
Most of us are painfully aware of how much we need to stop procrastinating in our lives, yet somehow we ignore the irony when we decide that we'll start on that tomorrow. Procrastinating isn't always a bad thing, but when we become experts at it, it might be time to face the facts and admit we have a problem. Procrastination can make our lives so much more challenging than necessary. Because of it we have to deal with shorter deadlines, bigger problems, messier things to clean up - not to mention it gives us a lot more time to overthink, worry, and make mountains out of molehills. The best antidote to procrastination can be found in a famous quote by Mark Twain:
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”
In fact, if any of the things on this list (or in your life as a whole) seem like too much effort, then remember Twain's instructions.
Being more organised will diminish your everyday anxieties, and being less anxious will help you focus on your work and studies and get you one step closer to performing your best!
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