Sometimes, it's just not a good day for productivity. You feel lazy, burned out, tired, irritable, sluggish, groggy, or generally just 'over it'. None of this is conducive to motivation. And while taking a day off when you can is necessary, sometimes you just can't afford it. You have an assignment due or an exam coming up. Other times you don't want to afford it; maybe you're even struggling to get motivated doing something you love in the little free time you have, which you don't want to spend just watching Netflix.
A lack of motivation, to some extent, is simply an annoying part of human nature. We'll forever experience occasional days that are just meh, and accepting this as part of life will help you lessen unnecessary guilty feelings for not being productive. That being said, don't feel like you just have to give in to the meh-ness either. You can always just power through it and show it who's boss! However, if (like yours truly) you are a member of the I-Lack-Discipline Club , here are a few tips, tricks and hacks in no particular order that can help refresh your mind and boost your motivation.
1. Do some stretching.
Loosen your tense muscles and get your blood flowing
2. Do some exercise.
If stretching alone doesn't seem like it'll do the trick, why not go one better and get in a quick exercise session?
3. Take a shower.
Relax, de-stress, cleanse your body and your mind.
4. Go for a walk.
Walks refresh your perspective and can inspire you.
5. Drink a glass of water
This can help give you a boost if you're feeling groggy and headachey.
6. Stick a picture or something that symbolises your goal where you can see it constantly.
Remind yourself what you're working towards.
7. Remind yourself of your goals and motivations by writing them down.
Sometimes we forget what we're working towards or why we're doing it. Reminding yourself in a tangible way can reset your motivation.
8. Remind yourself what you've already achieved.
You didn't get where you are by doing nothing. You've already done so much! And you can do so much more. Don't forget that.
9. Make a checklist and break your tasks into more manageable mini-tasks.
If the work ahead seems daunting and you have no idea where to start, break it up into the smallest parts you can and start with the simplest. It'll be a lot easier to get started that way.
10. Ask someone else why you're doing this.
If right now you can't think of a good reason why you're putting yourself through all the hard work, why not ask someone who knows you well why they think you're doing it? You might just get some surprising and inspiring responses.
11. Read a book to inspire you.
If you like reading, find a book to read that'll motivate you. Maybe a self-help on self-discipline, or an autobiography by your hero? Just make sure it's inspiring!
12. Make a list of quotes that motivate and inspire you.
Sometimes a quote just hits the spot and speaks to your soul. Make an emergency list of these that you can get out whenever your motivation levels drop and you need a boost.
13. Plan out your study sessions and implement a reward system.
Reward yourself with a chocolate or something small that you enjoy after set amounts of work.
14. Try journalling.
Getting your thoughts and feelings on paper and working through them can help change your perspective and renew your motivations.
15. Visualise achieving your goal.
Imagine the moment in detail, imagine what you're wearing, and really imagine what you're feeling. The happiness and relief and pride. This works even better as a motivator if you do it every day.
And if all else fails, you can always try to:
16. Pretend that you enjoy studying (fake it til you make it).
Pretend for long enough and you could start really enjoying it without even noticing!
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