Statistics - Career Know-How

If you’re one of those remarkable people that have a head and passion for numbers, have a strong work ethic and are determined to achieve your goals, then you might consider a degree in statistics.

If you want to start a career in statistics it is integral to have formal education. With a bachelor’s degree you can get an entry-level job and with a master’s degree you can start your career at a higher level. A well-educated statistician can work in a variety of fields of specialisation, such as epidemiology, genetics and education. All of this is possible as long as you have the relevant subjects (biology, for example) as part of your degree or specialise in them during your master’s.


With the BCom in statistics that Imperium offers, some of your possible career options include Actuarial Science, Data Sciences, Information Technology and Computing, Business Consulting and Teaching. Those are already some great possibilities! When studying this degree, you will also learn about business management, economics, and of course everything you need to know about statistics; the various statistical methods and how to analyse and implement the information and stats that you’ve gathered to help and steer whichever company you may be working for in the right direction.

As a fair warning, this career path is not for everyone. It requires discipline, dedication and drive, and it is essential that you have an aptitude for maths and calculus. It would be fair to say that becoming a statistician is more than a career - it is a calling! You not only have to be good with numbers, but also have to have a passion and fascination with them. As G.K. Chesterton wrote, “The difference between the poet and the mathematician is that the poet tries to get his head into the heavens while the mathematician tries to get the heavens into his head.”


Imperium University is an accredited online university that offers flexible and affordable degrees to fit your lifestyle and your budget. Go to to find out more and talk to one of our advisors!
