Marketing - Career Know-How

If you're looking for a career with lots of variety that will make use of your creative AND analytical skills, then say hello to the world of marketing!

You will find marketing professionals in just about every industry, from hospitality to tourism, from healthcare to retail, which means you will have a world of career options to choose from.

This degree will provide you with a wide range of transferable skills, which means you'll be an attractive candidate for many jobs outside of the field as well.

Creativity, analytical skills, and an ability to get into the mind of the consumer will help you enormously. You will need flexible communication and interpersonal skills in order to relate to the wide variety of people you'll be working with; don't expect solitude in this career path!

With marketing and advertising methodologies being ever-changing, you need to be prepared for a life of continuous self-education throughout and after completing your degree. Sign up for short training courses on new developments and ensure you get comfortable with as many design tools as possible. Play around on Facebook and Google, getting used to the ever-changing algorithms, terminology (such as CTR, CPC, Inbound, Bounce Rate, LTV) and formats. And most importantly: get comfortable working with spreadsheets. This is where you will be spending most of your time after the initial brainstorm, ensuring that you have a viable idea that will really stand out in the market place.

Ultimately, this is a field where communication is key; a place where extroverts flourish. Yes, you should know the business jargon and be able to interpret it to the best advantage for your client, but most importantly you will have to be able to communicate that to your client in a way they understand. You will work with all kinds of personalities, cultures, management styles and industries. Expose yourself to as many kinds of these situations as possible throughout your studies.


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