Thinking about studying finance? Keep reading to find out what you can expect, possible career paths and what skills you'll need.
The minimum requirement for most jobs is a Bachelor's degree. There are tons of options for specialisation in the field, so whatever direction you want to go in and whatever goals you may have, there will be plenty of room to evolve and find your own niche.
Studying finance will prepare you for a large variety of lucrative careers with a lot of opportunity for advancement, by teaching you both technical and theoretical knowledge over a wide variety of subjects. From becoming a financial analyst to an accountant to a bank teller to a statistician, you'll have these and many more options to pursue.
To work in this often-competitive field, it will help to be dynamic and ambitious, have good people skills, analytical skills and an affinity for numbers. You'll also need to learn certain computer skills by the end of your degree, including compiling intricate spreadsheets while working with different types of financial software, depending on the career you choose.
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