We tend to have either a good or a bad relationship with studying. There just doesn't seem to be an in-between. Some of us thrive with our books, notes and craft pens, while others see the path from the TV-screen to the desk as a journey across Mount Everest. Here are 10 study tips, tried and tested, to help you overcome any study-time blues!
1. Schedule a Daily Time for Studying
Once you make that sincere commitment to your
books, everything else tends to fall into place. Organise your day to have a set time for your studies, rather than relying on spontaneous study sessions. When planning your day, choose a time when you are least likely to be interrupted.
Dedicate that time to studies and studies alone.
Remember to add
regular breaks, and don't go back on your commitment!
2. Find What Learning Style Suits You Best: VARK
Some people might only need to read something once in order to remember it, but by no means does that apply to all of us - there is a study method to suit each on of us. On that note, VARK is a simplified way of explaining the different methods of studying, and it is crucial to find the one that suits you best. Visual learning, Auditory learning, Reading and Kinaesthetic Learning are the four common methods of studying. Some students even use a combination of 2 or 3 methods, adjusting the categories to their way of thinking. Experiment and play around with the different study methods until you find the one that suits you best.
3. Take Regular Breaks And Exercise
Without proper breaks a person can easily get distracted, tired and lose their motivation to keep going. Short breaks keep you driven and well-rested in order to study with optimal concentration. Adding physical exercise to this equation will add to your energy, improve concentration and lift your mood. Whether it's a bout of high-intensity interval training, some bad dancing, or just a simple walk around the garden. Exercise improves brain function through increased blood flow to the brain, which will certainly help you study.
4. Stay Motivated!
Without motivation, studying goes from hard to extremely difficult. What motivates you? Why are you determined to study hard and excel in this exam? Whether you have someone to keep you accountable, or a treat to eat after every chapter, find some way to keep yourself going! The road is hard and difficult, creating something to look forward to at the end of it is a sure-fire way to help you study.
5. Ask Questions: You Can't Remember What You Don't Understand!
If there is a topic or term you do not understand in your studies, ask! Whether it is a teacher, a friend, or Google, don't be afraid to ask until you understand. Parrot-studying is highly inefficient and creates a ton more work than studying to understand. Make an effort to know your work inside and out. Understanding leads to long-term memory processing, ensuring you don't have to re-study the same chapter again later on. This way you are sparing yourself a lot of pain.
Practice makes perfect, or so the saying
goes. So why not practice writing exams and tests?
Not only does this prepare you mentally for what to expect, but it also helps you craft better answers for
when the questions truly matter. If you cannot get your hands on old exam papers, then why not make your own? Also, take these mock tests under exam conditions, getting yourself used to an exam environment with no distractions.
7. Teach Your Work To Others
Make an effort to explain something
to a friend, a sibling or even your teddy bear sitting on the corner of your bed. Re-wording a concept for someone else, especially on a topic they know nothing about, will quickly highlight the areas you yourself are not comfortable with. If you cannot explain a concept to someone else, you will not be able to explain it on your exam paper either.
Nothing dissuades studying as much as a
pounding headache caused by hunger or thirst. Stay hydrated and stick to healthy snacks
as far as possible. This avoids sugar highs and lows and ensures your energy is
maintained for longer. Even though coffee might give you that instant kick, an apple gives
more energy for an extended period, and can assist in curbing those pesky cravings.
Choosing to study in the middle of a
children's playground is not exactly wise, and although people do not tend to
study there, they still might choose spots which are open to lots of distractions, noises
and activity. Although some people thrive in busier environments, you need to pick a
spot that suits your study needs best. Whether it is in a library or a café,
choose a study spot without too many distractions, but that doesn't make you want to fall
asleep (like your bed) while still comfortable enough to not leave you with back-aches and stiff muscles.
Ensure you have covered all the required content, get enough sleep, and leave time for a relaxing walk before your exam. If you walk
into that exam room exhausted from pulling an all-nighter, you are more likely
to make silly and easily-avoidable mistakes while falling for the trick-questions, and
just in general, do far worse than someone who is well-rested and mentally
prepared for the exam.
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